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Her Venice Affair (The Albury Affairs)


  The Albury Affairs 1

  Christina OW

  Erotic Romance

  Secret Cravings Publishing

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  A Secret Cravings Publishing Book

  Erotic Romance

  Her Venice Affair

  Copyright © 2013 Christina OW

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-61885-954-9

  First E-book Publication: October 2013

  Cover design by Dawné Dominique

  Edited by Megan Koenen

  Proofread by Courtney Karmiller

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Secret Cravings Publishing

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Secret Cravings Publishing


  I dedicate this book to my readers. You have been the best support system an author could ever have and I’m glad you were mine, thank you.

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  The Albury Affairs 1

  Christina OW

  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Riana Albury stood frozen at the doorway of her bedroom, stunned. She couldn’t move her legs let alone avert her eyes from the scene that played before her. The shock had her rooted to the floor. Her eyes bulged out and her mouth was ajar. There was a buzzing noise in her ears and dinner from her boyfriend’s favorite Thai restaurant that was two subway trains out of her way spilled onto the floor after slipping through her fingers.

  And yet, in all the chaos, only one thought filled her mind—a porn production studio would pay top dollar for the noises Claire was making. And not only for not only the noises she made but for the moves she made on Steve as well—evident by his horse-like grunts he made as she rode him like a professional horse rider.

  What did they call them…ah yes, jockeys, she thought.

  Riana turned around to the floor-to-ceiling mirror. Steve had insisted on her getting that room just because of it. Claire was leaning over him, one hand pressed to his chest and the other behind her holding onto something between his legs, her chestnut hair in his face, and the breast that was free of Steve’s hand swaying in sync with her hair.

  Claire made a shrieking noise and arched her back forward, throwing her head back. Steve rose with one hand on her breast, the other between their bodies. He grabbed the swaying breast in his mouth and sucked hard on her nipple, making Claire scream. Then he made a low shout, pushed Claire up with his hips, and fell back on the bed taking her with him.

  Riana turned back to look at their sweaty, flushed bodies still in a daze. After a few minutes of her standing there and them finally catching their breaths, they began to laugh and Claire rolled off Steve’s body.

  “That was wonderful,” she purred.

  “Yeah, better than last time. Claire, you are a dream come true.”

  She turned to face him and pushed up on her elbow. “It’s the least I could do. I feel sorry for you because I know Riana will only let you fuck her missionary style.”

  Riana felt her heart push forward in her chest as if trying to escape the stabbing pain from Claire’s words.

  “Damn, how long have you guys being dating…six months?” She declared like it was an amazing fact. Like a newly discovered, terminal disease. Then she fell back on the bed. “Six months of boring sex? I admire your strength.”

  He snorted then quickly rolled
on top of her. “I was her first and it would have been a fucked up move if I didn’t stay in the relationship for at least a little while. From the moment I saw her, I wanted to screw her. Damn, she has a body to kill for.”

  Under him, Claire turned on her belly, and then pushed up on all fours forcing Steve to move up on his knees. The buzzing grew to a bell ring in Riana’s head, her heart pounding faster against her ribs.

  “Wait, so you made her your girlfriend to get between her legs and you think leaving her after she gave up the goods was a fucked up move and what we are doing isn’t?” She laughed. “I like you style.”

  “And she’s paying the bills and leaving me all the free time,” he said as he slapped her ass, making her shriek with laughter, “to fuck you.”

  Claire laughed. “You are a bastard.”

  Steve’s hips jerked forward making Claire whine. “And you are a bitch, fucking your roommate’s boyfriend.”

  “You don’t love her.”

  He chuckled. “Never claimed I did. But I do love her tight, innocent pussy.”

  “Steve, stop.” Claire turned her head, trying to look past him. “What’s that hissing noise?”

  Hissing noise? Riana paid attention to the noise. It was coming from her. Was she seriously hyperventilating?

  I am not having a panic attack! Riana chastised herself.

  Steve turned around. His eyes grew wide and his hips stopped moving. “Babe!”

  Claire scrambled away from him off the bed, pulling the bed sheet with her. “Riana, how long have you been standing there?”

  Too long, Riana thought as she took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself. For too long she’d been standing there watching her roommate and her boyfriend betray her.

  Steve quickly pulled on his boxers and moved toward her. “Babe, it’s not what you think. You know I love you. Claire is just a fuck.”

  You know I love you. His words rang in her head, clearing the haze but building the blur in her eyes.

  Was she really that stupid? How could she be so blind? He was using her for her money, her home... she felt her body cringe with disgust. He was using her body for fun. When he looked at her he saw nothing but her tight innocent... she cringed again.

  “You never loved me?” Riana cried facing him.

  Steve closed the distance between them in three easy strides. “Oh babe, I do love you.”

  Claire’s snorted. “Sometimes Riana, I can’t believe you got a full ride to NYU. Don’t be so naive!”

  Steve turned to her, his eyes narrowed to slits. “Shut the fuck up, Claire!”

  She let out the most evil laugh Riana had ever heard. “It’s the truth. The genius—and I use that term loosely—didn’t know we were fucking in her bed. For four months!”

  Four months. In my bed! Riana felt like she’d been punched in the gut! “Oh God no!” She doubled over, pressing her hands on her knees as she struggled for breath.

  “Babe…” Steve started, placing his hand on her shoulder. The contact stung.

  She jerked away. “Get the hell off me!”

  Steve took a step back. “Babe, please…” he begged, his face showing exactly how panicked he was.

  If she hadn’t heard them laugh at her earlier, she would have thought the panic was because he was afraid of losing her. But no longer. She knew now he was only afraid of losing his carefree, easy going life.

  Riana shook her head, dislodging the tears in her eyes. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t stand to look at them for one more minute. She needed to get out, to breathe.

  Without another word, she ran out to the living room, and then out the front door. She didn’t even bother to take the elevator. She pushed the door to the stairway open and ran down the six flights of steps in her apartment complex to the lobby, crying. She ran into the streets and straight onto a bus seconds before the door closed. She didn’t know where it was going. All she knew was she needed to get away from them.

  She took the seat in the back then she leaned forward and cried her eyes out.

  * * * *

  Riana wiped her wet cheeks dry before she knocked on Loraine’s apartment door. She couldn’t let Loraine see her tears. Right now, she couldn’t take being told ‘I told you so’. She’d always suspected the two of them.

  She and Loraine had taken the same art course at New York University, and that was all they had in common. But it didn’t stop them from being best friends. Loraine was a party girl and her studies came second. For the three years Riana had known her, she had never seen Loraine miss even one party advertised on the notice boards. But she had no problem missing lectures and Riana didn’t mind getting notes for her in exchange for stories about her exciting escapades. Sometimes Riana envied her relaxed life. She might be that relaxed if she had parents to pay for her studies and didn’t live in the constant fear of losing her scholarship for making one stupid mistake.

  So for Riana, studies came first, then her job, and finally her social life. Riana’s chest tightened. The only social life she’d had was her unfaithful boyfriend Steve.

  She should have listened to Loraine.

  The one time Riana had let down her hair and gone to a party, she’d invited Claire and Steve along. Loraine had only spent two minutes in their company before she’d told Riana that they were screwing behind her back. Riana had just laughed it off to Loraine’s overactive imagination. She’d loved him and he loved…

  “Oh, God.” Riana’s head dropped, hitting the door with a loud thud as fresh tears burned the back of her eyes

  Claire was right. She didn’t deserve a scholarship. She was the dumbest creature to ever exist!

  The door flew open and Riana stumbled forward. She grabbed onto the door frame to keep from falling face first on the wooden floor.

  “Riana…what the hell?”

  Riana looked up at her one, true friend. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She shut her mouth then tried again, but this time a sob escaped. Riana covered her face with her hands and let the threatening tears flow.

  “Oh, no.” Loraine hugged her, back stepping into the apartment then she pushed the door shut. “You caught them in the act, didn’t you?”

  She nodded, keeping her shame filled face covered with her hands.

  Loraine rubbed her back. “Don’t cry. They don’t deserve your tears.”

  Riana broke away from her and stomped to the two-seatter couch. She dropped onto it, pulling her legs under her. “Just say it,” she sniffed. “I know you want to.”

  Loraine sat next to her, a gentle smile on her face. “Oh, honey.”

  Riana cried some more, relieved her friend didn’t…

  “I did tell you so.”

  “Really, Loraine, really?” she shrieked, jumping off the couch to pace in front of her. “You are supposed to be my best friend. The last friend I have at this point, actually. Or am I wrong about that, too?”

  Loraine stood up and pulled on her arm. “Hey! I’m the only true friend you have and don’t you ever forget it. And as your best friend, I need to rub reality in your face a few times to make sure you don’t make the same mistake again.”

  Riana dropped onto the couch again. She felt exhausted from crying, from the pain in her chest, from feeling betrayed. From being so darn stupid!

  Loraine disappeared for a moment and came back with a glass of water and something clenched in her fist. “Here you go.”

  Riana took the glass and opened her hand to Loraine’s clenched fist. “What’s that?”

  She opened her fist and dropped the tablets in Riana’s hand. “Antibiotics.”

  Riana’s brows drew together. “What for?”

  “You were sleeping with Steve and he is sleeping with Claire and who knows what she’s been spreading her legs for.” Loraine shivered in horror for effect, her face contoured in disgust.

  If Riana didn’t find that thought scary, she would have laughed along with Loraine. She tossed the antibiotics into her m
outh and washed them down with the water.

  “Do you want me to get your stuff?”

  Riana groaned, tugging painfully on her hair. God she was stupid! “And take them where? Steve made me give up my dorm room so that we could live together. I have nowhere to go, no place to put my stuff!”

  One month into the ‘loving’ relationship and he’d talked her into giving up her dorm room, going apartment hunting, signing a lease for rent she knew she couldn’t afford, and accepting the first big boobed bimbo who applied as their roommate. All that plus her virginity in the same damn bed.

  Shit, she really was stupid and naive.

  Loraine chuckled rubbing her back again. “You poor idiot.”

  Riana turned quickly toward her, wounded. “Hey!”

  Loraine laughed louder. She pulled Riana into a bear hug. “You are an idiot but you are also my best friend. You can take the spare bedroom and I’ll go get your stuff.”

  Riana pulled away from her. “I couldn’t do that Loraine. That room is your studio.”

  Loraine waved her concern away. “It’s fine. I’m not cut out for art anyway. I only took the course to annoy my parents. What I really want is to open a catering business.”

  “Well, you do love to eat,” Riana chuckled, glad for the change in topic. It was a reprieve from the discussion of how much of an idiot she was. “What I don’t understand is how you always stay so skinny!”

  Loraine winked. “Have you met my mother? It’s all in the genes. But I do envy the curves you have.”

  Riana felt a lump form in her throat. “Well don’t. I don’t particularly like them right now,” she whispered.

  “You are a Bahamian beauty and he is an asshole who just made the worst mistake of his life. It’s a good thing it isn’t the end of the month yet.”